Nestling Count
Page history
last edited
by Nancy Brachbill 15 years, 9 months ago
Nest Watch ~ Spring 2009
Nestling Count
Alexander, Katlynn, Tyler
Nest 1
3 nestlings
1st egg - 4-9-09 |
fledged - 5-7-09
Lesley, Zachary, Reghan
Nest 2
3 nestlings
1st egg - 4-10-09 |
fledged - 5-10-09
Hayden, Jessica
Nest 3
3 nestlings
1st egg - not known |
fledged - 5-10-09
Brooke, Hannah, Zoe
Nest 4
4 nestlings
1st egg - 4-14-09 |
Nikita, Bailey
Nest 5
0 nestlings (0 eggs)
1st egg - xxx |
Depredated |
Shelby, Kenzie, Skyler
Nest 6
2 nestlings
1st egg - 4-17-09 |
Makista, Cole, Brewster
Nest 7
4 nestlings
1st egg - 4-19-09 |
Shane, Dylan
Nest 8
3 nestlings (1 eggs)
1st egg - 4-19-09 |
Nikita, Bailey, Kyle
Nest 9
2 nestlings (1 egg)
1st egg - 4-22-09 |
Alexander, Katlynn, Tyler
Nest 10
3 nestlings (0 eggs)
1st egg - 4-24-09 |
Lesley, Zachary, Reghan
Nest 11
2 nestlings (0 eggs?)
1st egg - 4-26-09 |
Hayden, Jessica
Nest 12
0 nestlings (3 eggs)
1st egg - 5-3-09 |
Danielle, Shakesphere
Nest 13
0 nestlings (0 eggs)
1st egg - None |
Shelby, Kenzie, Skyler
Nest 14
3 nestlings
1st egg - nest found w/ 3 eggs |
Brooke, Hannah, Zoe
Nest 15
3 nestlings
1st egg - 4-26-09 |
fledged - 5-11-09 |
Nikita, Bailey, Kyle
Nest 16
0 nestlings (3 eggs)
1st egg - nest found w/ 3 eggs |
35 nestlings = TOTAL |
Nestling Count
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